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《China Agrochemicals》Oct.2006

責(zé)任編輯:CCPIA 編輯部 來源: 日期:2009-02-19


Having undergone ups and downs over the past half century and keeping pace with the development of China 's national economy, China 's CP (Crop Protection) industry has been growing from nearly scratch and become an integrated agrochemical industry with a.i. production, formulation & processing, R & D, raw material and intermediate production. It has become an important safeguard for increasing yields and bumper harvest of China 's agriculture. Our CPP (Crop Protection Products) production can meet not only the demand of the domestic agricultural production, but also that of export. According to the statistics of China General Customs Administration, China imported 37k tons of CPP with value of USD 182 million, while exported 428k tons with value of USD 1.4 billion in 2005. Of the export, herbicide accounted for 47.7% of the total, fungicide 15.0% , insecticide 34.6%. Over one hundred and thirty kinds of Chinese CPP were exported to 150+ countries and regions worldwide. During the period of 2001--2005, China's CPP production had been growing at an average annual rate of 10.5% , while export volume at a rate of 22.4% , export value at a rate of 26.9%. E xport value of 34 products has exceeded USD 10 million/each. This statistics indicate that the trend of transferring CPP production to burgeoning countries is more and more obvious, and China is gradually becoming one of the important CPP manufacturing bases.

The rapid development of China 's CPP industry and the fierce market competition brought about by economic globalization at post-WTO era have presented us with a challenge of making new progress in CPP production process, environmental protection, enterprise management, R & D of new CPP and providing the society with high efficacy, safe and environment-friendly CPP, so to meet the need of economic development of China and the world. “Harmonious Society, Balanced Environment, Friendly Ecology”, this is the obligatory responsibility, eternal motivation and unwearied pursuit of China 's crop protection (CP) industry.

This periodical of China Crop Protection Industry Association 《 China Agrochemicals 》 is emerging as the time requires under this histories backdrop. This is the very first publication of the China 's CP industry. We will, via this publication, introduce the general situation of China's CP industry, the current production and R & D status of enterprises, reflect the features and development trend of China's CP market ; discuss the future development direction of China 's CP industry under the circumstance of honoring HSE. We sincerely hope to have your proposals and comments, and look forward to your participation so we can inspire each other and make progress together.

Our 《 China Agrochemicals 》 may look not mature enough for the time being, but it carries our infinite enthusiasm and expectation. The growth of this publication will be like the course of China 's CP industry – both of them are growing from an ignorant lad to a youth full of vigor and energy, both of them are absorbing advanced external theories, both of them are undergoing hardships but thriving healthily. The road leading to future is long and rough, but the important thing is the publication is gradually growing ALL the time! We are expecting OUR 《 China Agrochemicals 》 become a window demonstrating China's CP industry to the whole world, become a bridge linking China and the World, become one of platforms of information exchange for the industry, and contribute to the sustainable development of the world's agriculture and food safety.

Dr. Sun Shu-bao
CCPIA Secretary General

China Agrochemicals

Vol.1 No.1 Oct.2006

Director of Editorial Dept.: Sun shubao
Editor-in-Chief : Hu Xiao-xing Cao Cheng-yu
Executive Editor-in-Chief: Connie Ao
Executive Editors: Li Juan Zhu Wei-juan
English Editors: Zhang yi-bin Zhang zong-jian
                    John Hao Jerry Zhang
English Revisers: Chia W. Xiang Bill W. Ahrens
Sponsor: CCPIA
Address: Room 919, Anhuili 4th Area, Chaoyang District, Beijing ,China
Postal Code:100723
E-mail: ccpia_lijuan@vip.163.com
All rights reserved.

Agrochemical Forum
3 The Status of China Agrochemical Industry
8 Imidacloprid
10 China Agrochemical Manufacturers Ranking in 2005


R&D News
12 The Key Program of National Tenth Five-Year Plan--Pesticide Innovation,Development and Industrialization of Key Technologies Have Been Checked and Accepted
13 China Has Made Great Progress in The Research of The Bio-Synthesis Mechanism Of Jinggangmycin (Validamycin)
13 The Research Project ‘Oligoysaccharide Biopesticide’ Gained Dalian Science and Technology Award
14 A New Pesticide for Preventing and Curing Diseases of Melon, Fruit and Vegetable Developed Shanghai Jiaotong University

14 The first OECD-certified GLP Laboratory in China
15 CHG invest 800 million RMB to Establish a Pesticides Lattop of China.
15 Unveil of Nantong Technology Center of Syngenta and break erath of Yangzi #1 project.

Market Trends
15 Methamidophos and Other Four Organophosphates Pesticides Will Be Ban Soon
16 Scope of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests in China
16 The Expanding of the Bt Planting Area

Self-independence Creation
17 Flumorph, A New Commercialized Oomycete Fungicide

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