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China Agrochemicals (March 2007)

責(zé)任編輯:本站編輯 來源:中國農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 日期:2006-03-12

Contents (Volume 2, No.1,2007) 

AgrochemEx 2007
1 Retrospect of AgrochemEx 2006
4 About AgrochemEx 2007

Agrochemical Forum
11 China Pesticide Industry in 2006
13 China Agrichemical Manufacturers Ranking In 2006
15 2006 Memorabilia of Chinas Agrochemical Industry

18 Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Limited Liability Company
19 Zhejiang Xinan Chemical & Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.
20 Jiangsu Suhua Group Co.,Ltd.
21 Hunan Haili Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.

22 Current Development of Ethanolamine
25 Current Demands and Applications of Pyridine in China

27 Rules
29 Market Trends
32 China Delegation Attended the 11th IUPAC Pesticide Chemistry Congress Held in Kobe, Japan During 2006
34 R&D News

Self-independence Creation
37 A novel sulfonylurea herbicide —— Monosulfuron
39 A novel sulfonylurea herbicide —— Monosulfuron- ester

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