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2016 September Issue of China Agrochemicals

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie XU 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-11-01

The latest issue (September 2016) of China Agrochemicals comes out, see highlights follow:

Industry News:

1)Summary and analysis of the Chinese agrochemical industry and market in H1 2016
2)The State Council: Actively promoting the "going out" of agrochemical industry
3)Sown area of the four major oil plants will be expanded by 2020 The Pyraclostrobin Market Trend in China
4)Pyraclonil to be registered in China for the first time
5)Registration of boscalid, a new-type nicotinamide fungicide in China

6)The Chinese rice seed coating agent   market is expected to grow rapidly
7)Current Situation and Future Trend of glufosinate-ammonium market


Company News:

1)36 pesticide-related listed companies: 33 making profit, 3 losing money

2)Wynca Group: Establishing agricultural service platforms to reduce losses

3)Yangnong Chemical Stables the Sales of Main Pesticide Products and expands the Formulation Market
4)Imidacloprid helped boost operating revenue for Changqing in the fi rst half of 2016
5)Rainbow listed in Top 100 Export Enterprises in China

2016-Sep._China Agrochemicals.pdf

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