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Aminopyralid Registered by a Chinese Company for the First Time

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie XU 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-07-18

Lier Chemical Co., Ltd. became the first Chinese enterprise that is approved to register aminopyralid technical (95%).

Before that, Dow AgroSciences was the only company in China that registered aminopyralid technical (91.6%) and formulation (21% aqua). Sino-Agri Leading (Tianjing) Agrochemicals Co., Ltd. had repacking registration of its formulation product.

Aminopyralid is a new-type picolinic acid herbicide and is widely used to prevent and destroy weeds on mountainous lands, grasslands, cultivated areas and uncultivated area. It is currently being developed to destroy weeds on rape fields and cereal crop fields. The agent has low toxicity and is not teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic and has no side effect on the endocrine system or the reproductive system.  



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