• 中國農藥工業(yè)協(xié)會
  • 金旺智能
  • 中國農藥工業(yè)協(xié)會
  • 作物123
  • 報告訂閱咨詢

The Production and Market Report of Azoxystrobin

責任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-03-03

Charpter 1 Review 
Charpter 2 Production Processes of Azoxystrobin 
2.1 Systhetic Processes of Azoxystrobin
2.2 The Preparation Method of Main Intermediate 
2.2.1 The Preparation Method of 2- (2- hydroxy phenyl) -3- methoxy methyl acrylate 2.2.2 The Preparation Method of 4,6-Dichloropyrimidine 
2.2.3 The Systhetic Process of 2-hydroxy-benzonitril 
2.3 The Current Situation of "Three Wastes" Treatment  
2.3.1 The Treatment of Water Waste 
2.3.2 The Treatment of Gas Waste and Solid Waste
Charpter 3 Market Profile of Azoxystrobin
3.1 Introduction on Overseas Production of Azoxystrobin
3.2 Introduction on Production of Azoxystrobin in China
3.2.1 The Distribution of Manufacturers Capacity in China

3.2.2 The Production and Sales of Azoxystrobin in China
3.3 The Registration Situation of Azoxystrobin in China 
Charpter 4 Export Analysis of Azoxystrobin 
4.1 Export Situation of Azoxystrobin
4.2 Export Situation of Azoxystrobin TC 
Charpter 5The Industry Chain of Azoxystrobin
Charpter 6The Development Trend and Investment Risk
6.1 The Demand and Price Trend 
6.2 The Trend of Major production technology 
6.3 The Change of Competition Pattern

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