• 中國農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會
  • 金旺智能
  • 中國農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會
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Shandong United Pesticide Industry enters into the pesticide-developing agrochemical industry

責任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2015-08-11

On July 30, the 98% Fluoride Ether Bacteria Amidetechnical developed by Shandong United Pesticide Industry Co., Ltd. obtained the temporary registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Other approved products included 50%Fluoride Ether Bacteria Amide water dispersible granules and 40%hexaconazole suspending agent, of which the registered purposes of use are to control cucumber downy mildew and rice sheath blight disease respectively. According to Shandong United Pesticide Industry Co., Ltd., the aforesaid products will be put on the market within the year.

Fluoride Ether Bacteria Amide is a new-type fluorine-containing benzamide fungicide developed by Shandong United Pesticide Industry Co., Ltd. in cooperation with Shandong Agricultural University in 2010 and has a National Level 1 Invention Patent Certificate. The product is mainly use to control such fungi as cucumber downy mildew, grape Downy mildew, phytophthora capsici, peronophythoraceae litchi, potato late blight, rice sheath blight disease and cotton rhizoctonia solani. It is a broad-spectrum, high-virulence fungicide.


The compound Fluoride Ether Bacteria Amide developed by Shandong United Pesticide Industry Co., Ltd. is a pyrazole amide fungicide, like BASF’s fluxapyroxad and Bayer’s fluopyram, which all contain highly active fluorine atoms in structure but are more active and targeted than other products in the same category on the anti-fungal spectrum.

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