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Review of Listing Pesticide Enterprises during H1 2015

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2015-07-10

During the first half of 2015, China’s stock market ushered in the rare bull market. Led by the bull market, a number of pesticide enterprises have planned to march towards the capital market. As of now, Sichuan Guoguang Agrochemical, Limin Chemical and Anhui Guangxin Agrochemical have respectively gone public in Shenzhen Stock Exchange SMEs and Shanghai Stock Exchange. Zhejiang Xinnong Chemicals has announced its listing in the New Third Board. Jiangsu Tuoqiu Agriculture Chemical has gone public in the Q Board in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There are also a number of pesticide enterprises which are planning to public. Jiangsu Flag Chemical Industry has already submitted its statement to China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) for IPO at the beginning of the year. It plans to public in the GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Shandong CYNDA Chemical, Hailir Pesticides and Chemicals Group, Jiangsu Suli Chemical, JiangSu Sevencontinent Green Chemical and other pesticide enterprises which have been waiting in the queue to be listed since last year are making full preparations to launch a new round of application.


Overview of Pesticide Enterprises Listed in H1 2015

Company Name

Exchange or Board


Sichuan Guoguang Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange SMEs

Sichuan Guoguang Agrochemical plans to invest 355 million yuan in the plant growth regulator TC production line of an annual output of 2,100 tonnes, S-ABA TC project of an annual output of 500 kg, environmental friendly pesticide formulations production line of an annual output of 19,000 tonnes, plant nutrient production line of an annual output of 6,000 tonnes, marketing service system construction and working capital replenishment.

Limin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange SMEs

Limin Chemical expresses that it aims to increase the number of its TC varieties to 18 and pesticide formulations to 58. The annual output of its TC products will exceed 30,000 tonnes and the annual sales will reach 1 billion yuan in the next three years.

Anhui Guangxin Agrochemical Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Stock Exchange

Anhui Guangxin Agrochemical plans to raise funds to invest in the diuron project of an annual output of 8,000 tonnes, sulfonyl-isocyanate series products production line of an annual output of 3,000 tonnes, thiophanate-methyl production line of an annual output of 10,000 tonnes, working capital replenishment, etc.

Zhejiang Xinnong Chemicals Co., Ltd.

New Third Board Listing

Zhejiang Xinnong Chemicals plans to focus on the promotion and sale of Bisheng (20% Znic thiazole SC), Biye (50% azoxystrobin.Znic thiazole SC), Bisui (40% tebuconazole.Znic thiazole SC) and Birui (40% kasugamycin.Znic thiazole SC) and other Bi-series products in the next year.

Jiangsu Tuoqiu Agriculture Chemical Co., Ltd.

Q Board Listing


Part of the enterprises planning to public

Jiangsu Flag Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange GEM

Jiangsu Flag Chemical Industry plans to raise funds to invest in the “annual output of 1000 tonnes of azoxystrobin TC” "new-type pesticide project of Huaian Guorui Chemical Co., Ltd.", "R&D Center" and working capital replenishment. The "new-type pesticide project of Huaian Guorui Chemical Co., Ltd." includes building 95% cyproconazole TC production project of an annual output of 300 tonnes, 95% dinotefuran TC production project of an annual output of 300 tonnes, 96% boscalid TC production project of an annual output of 300 tonnes, 95% mglufosinate-ammonium TC production project of an annual output of 300 tonnes, 98% dicamba TC production project of an annual output of 2,000 tonnes and environment friendly formulation production project of an annual output of 5,500 tonnes.

Jiangsu Suli Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Stock Exchange

Jiangsu Suli Chemical plans to raise funds to invest in building Shanghai R&D Lab, pesticide formulation production project of an annual output of 10,000 tonnes, paying back bank loans, working capital replenishment, etc.

Hailir Pesticides and Chemicals Group


IPO halt

Shandong CYNDA Chemical Co., Ltd.


IPO halt

JiangSu Sevencontinent Green Chemical Co., Ltd.


IPO halt

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