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CAPI starts at a low level in 2015

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2015-03-20

With the arrival of 2015, the pesticide industry will face a year with more challenges and reforms. The official implementation of the new environmental protection law is of great significance to regulate the industry and promote transformation. According to the statistics of CCPIA, since the beginning of 2015, a number of small and medium-sized pesticide enterprises have been shut down for maintenance and 2015 is expected to be a key year for extensive adjustment in the pesticide industry. This January the CAPI started at the lowest value - 83.95, down 4.72% from that of the last statistical period and a steep fall of 15.63% year on year; in February with the commencement of the industry and the market operation being affected by Chinese New Year, the overall market saw falling prices. The CAPI continued to fall and hit 81.28, down 3.18% from January and a significant fall of 19.31% year on year. This is the “omen” of industry reform and transformation. After the continuous fall in price, the industry will gradually welcome new busy seasons of production and sales. The CAPI is expected to up in March and it is ready to rebound from the bottom.

In January, the CAPI of herbicides was 76.41, below 80 for the first time, and down 8.85% from last month and down 24.95% year on year; in February, the CAPI was 74.64, down 2.33% compared to that in the last statistical period, and a significant fall of 27.64% year on year. On glyphosate, the transaction price of the active compound since the beginning of the year has been always under RMB20,000 per tonne and has been falling but falling slowly. By the end of February, the transaction price already fell 12.61% compared to that by the end of last year, to RMB19,400 per tonne, a sharp decline of 37.42% from last year. The glyphosate market is still in low steady operation, which has brought great pressure to enterprises and also new challenges to market adjustment. While with the upcoming peak season in March, glyphosate sales is expected to grow. On paraquat, the domestic output of paraquat has increased compared to that last year but the transaction price has declined sharply and maintains between RMB67,000 and RMB69,000 per tonne, which, to some extent, has contributed to the fall of the CAPI of herbicides. Among other herbicides, the transaction price of 2,4-D TC saw a relatively significant fall. After falling two consecutive months, it fell 26.92% compared to that by the end of last year; there is no significant change in the transaction prices of other major herbicides.

In January, the CAPI of insecticides was 92.43, a slight increase of 1.77% month on month and basically flat year on year; in February, the CAPI was 87.63, down 5.19% month on month and down 8.84% year on year. Among insecticides, abamectin, imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos and triazophos saw a fall in transaction price. Chlorpyrifos, which has the highest proportion in insecticides, saw the biggest fall. In February, its transaction price fell 15.23% compared to that by the end of last year, which dragged down the CAPI of insecticides to a large content; the transaction prices of most insecticides fluctuated within a normal range and there was no major fluctuation.

In January, the CAPI of fungicides was 99.62, a slight fall of 0.59% from last month and 1.11% from last year; in February, the CAPI was 99.13, down 0.49% from last month, but a slight rise of 0.30% from last year. Among fungicides, carbendazim, prochloraz, etc. saw relatively significant fall of between 7.0% and 10.0% in transaction price; the transaction price of epoxiconazole increased greatly by 11.16% from the end of last year; the transaction prices of most fungicides fluctuated within a small range and the change was small.


February 2015

MoM change (%)

YoY change (%)

January 2015

MoM change (%)

YoY change (%)



↓ 3.18



↓ 4.72




↓ 2.33



↓ 8.85




↓ 5.19

↓ 8.84


↑ 1.77




↓ 0.49

↑ 0.30


↓ 0.59

↓ 1.11


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