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AgroChemEx 2014 Boosting Development of China Pesticide Industry

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-11-28


From October 29 to 31, “AgroChemEx 2014” was held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center.

The venue for AgroChemEx 2014 was moved from Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center to Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center. AgroChemEx 2014, with an exhibition area of 25,000 square meters, attracted 478 domestic and international exhibitors, which are manufacturing and trading companies of pesticide technical, formulations, adjuvants, intermediates, environment protection and energy equipment, processing and packaging equipment and analytical instruments and logistics and foreign trade companies. Among them there were 30 overseas exhibitors from Germany, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Malaysia and India and so on. Nearly 23,000 people visited the exhibition and over 1,000 overseas buyers from over 80 countries and regions came to the exhibition and discuss business. Information technologies like mobile apps and WeChat were adopted in the exhibition. With the idea of “Technology serves exhibition”, the exhibition aims to become a more professional exhibition that meets international exhibition demand and also an important trade platform in the global crop protection field.


Sun Shubao, Chairman of China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA), said that in the next AgroChemEx (ACE) there would be additional 8,500 square meters for the event as well as new exhibition areas for mechanical and packaging equipment and environmental protection equipment, to welcome more domestic and overseas buyers and better promote the overall development of Chinese agrochemical industry and upstream and downstream enterprises.


AgroChemEx Conference 2014


The ACE Conference 2014 was held during the exhibition. Dozens of industry leaders and experts from both home and abroad were invited to offer advice and suggestions. The conference attracted nearly 500 agrochemical industry representatives from home and abroad.


The ACE Conference 2014 consisted of four meetings. 2014 National Agrochemical Exchange Meeting, focusing on interpretation and analysis of macro-policies, invited government officials, important participants in policy making and entrepreneurs in the industry with outstanding achievements in the practice of policies to make speeches, which pointed out the direction for the future development of enterprises in the industry; the 2014 International Conference on Crop Protection placed emphasis on the technology level such as the production and processing and environmental protection treatment technologies of pesticide technical and formulations and crop protection resolutions. Cynthia Wei from Bayer CropScience, with the topic “Crop protection solutions” which has been a hot topic in China in recent years, introduced the experiences of multinational companies, which helped Chinese pesticide enterprises find the strategic development direction following policies and meeting market demand. Experts from Chinese institutions of higher education and leading enterprises put issues like safety production, cleaner production and environmental treatment on the table and analyzed them in detail; the 2014 China International Forum on Procurement and Service of Pesticides placed particular emphasis on the business development of enterprises. Chinese merchants that have rich experiences in overseas market expansion in countries and regions like South America, North America, Europe and Africa, as well as representatives of transnational companies responsible for procurement in China were invited to the forum and gave wonderful speeches. Among them, the most impressive one should be the report on “The global glyphosate market in the eyes of Monsanto” delivered by James Tung, a former top manager of Monsanto. His report has provided representatives attending the forum with first-hand information on the international glyphosate market and enabled Chinese enterprises to see more clearly the global glyphosate market situation. Moreover, senior management from transnational companies such as Bayer, Rotam and Helm also gave wonderful speeches, who, from the perspective of buyers, introduced the real demand of the international market to Chinese pesticide technical suppliers; the 2014 China Agrochemical Industry Summit gathered top enterprise leaders in the industry. Themed by “Future responsibility and sustainable development of the pesticide industry”, the summit was divided into two sessions, which discussed issues on the sustainable development of the two hottest pesticide varieties - glyphosate and paraquat, and the market opportunities of some popular proprietary off-patent pesticides such as azoxystrobin and glufosinate-ammonium.


Overall, AgroChemEx has actively promoted the cooperation and information exchange among Chinese upstream and downstream industry chains concerning pesticide production -- raw materials supply, pesticide technical production, formulation processing, packaging equipment and pesticide adjuvants, provided an efficient platform for domestic enterprises to exploit international markets and brought about a new round of progress in the Chinese pesticide industry.

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