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Development Report of China Glycine Industry

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-03-25

As the main product of China pesticides, glyphosate has welcomed its environmental protection scrutiny since May 2013. During the past few months, price of glycine has been going up because of the strict scrutiny. As a result, glyphosate price has been triggered up directly.


Now in China, glycine price is enjoying its boom of rising generally. Since the beginning of 2014, price of glycine has increased from $2083 per tonne to $2330 per tonne. Setup of the industry demand and supply has been gradually altered after suffering from 5 years’ over capacity and the boundless bear market. In the report, you’ll get the following key points.




1. How’s the operation of glycine production capacity going in China?

2. What’s the true cause of glycine price rising?

3. Where will the glycine industry in the future?

4. More supply or demand?

5. How long and how much will it take to invest on glycine industry environmental protection?

6. What are the impacts that the upstream raw materials bring on glyphosate industry?


Large amount of real and authentic information are supplied in the report so that you could get insight into current dynamics of China glyphosate and glycine industry. Any further interests please feel free to let me know.


Any interest please contact with:

Duan Yousheng: yousheng@ccpia.org.cn;

Lv Cong: congcongnanianlcc@gmail.com

Tel: 010-84885035


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