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Henan Yingtai Agrochemical Received the First Registration Approval for Quinmerac TC in China

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-02-14

Henan Yingtai Agrochemical Co., Ltd. has received the formal registration approval from ICAMA for its 96% quinmerac TC product recently. The registration will be valid for five years, starting from January 28, 2014 to January 28, 2019. Henan Yingtai Agrochemical Co., Ltd. is the first domestic enterprise which has received the registration approval for qinmerac TC product.


Quinmerac is a pre-emergence selective herbicide which is used to control broad-leaved weeds growing in cereals, oilseed rape, sugar beet and other crops. The active ingredient is mainly absorbed by the root of the weeds, and some through foliar absorption. After being absorbed, it will be conducted upward and downward to inhibit the growth of the weeds until they wither. High humidity helps the rapid absorption of the herbicide and makes it take effect quickly.


BASF launched quinmerac into the market in 1993. The formulation, Novall/Katamaran, mixing quinmerac with metazachlor is applied on oilseed rape, and the formulation, Rebell, mixing quinmerac with chloridazon is applied on sugar beet. BASF in 2012 received the registration approval in Germany for its formulation, Clearfield Vantiga, mixing quinmerac, metazachlor and Imazamox. Clearfield Vantiga is used on Clearfield oilseed rape. Currently, quinmerac has been re-registered in EU. The global sales of quinmerac reached 140 million dollars in 2012.

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