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  • 中國(guó)農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)
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  • 報(bào)告訂閱咨詢

2013 Development Report of China Glyphosate Industry

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-01-22

2013 is a rising year for China glyphosate industry. In May, glyphosate environmental scrutiny was officially launched, which has brought impact to the industry, making its future unpredicted.


Glyphosate environmental scrutiny now is first and foremost case to the pesticide industry. So far, first round of scrutiny application has already ended, and the first list of qualified enterprises will be announced in the near future.




1. Which companies passed the scrutiny in the first trial in 2013?


2. What’s the operation situation of manufacturers in 2013?


3. How are output changing and price tendency during 2013 and what impacts does the scrutiny bring to export?


4. What’s new on progress of environmental protection technologies?


With the environmental scrutiny launching, combined with the questions above, the report provides real and effective information so that manufacturers and investors could comprehensively grab future trend of the industry and make right decisions on developing and investments.


Any interest please contact with:

Duan Yousheng: yousheng@ccpia.org.cn;

Lv Cong: congcongnanianlcc@gmail.com

Tel: 010-84885035


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